Contract OpenSea Collection

ASCIIWall is an ERC-721 blockchain-based shared canvas. Anyone can write on it. It's like latrinalia, but in the blockchain. Each mint captures the current state of the wall. Future mints can overwrite and augment the wall.

The imagery of the mazes is stored directly in the blockchain. Each mint is stored in an array of structs with four properties: an offset, a line number, a color, and a message. This allow for the entire history of the wall to be kept and rendered as individual tokens.

Write on the Wall

Anyone can write on the wall! If you want to contribute, use the form below to preview your wall writing. You'll need to make sure your wallet is connected first.

What color do you want your text to be? Use the color picker or it should be a hex.

What do you want your message to be? These characters aren't allowed: "&'><=.

The line of the wall where your writing would go

A left offset for your message.

Please connect your wallet to the Ethereum Mainnet!

The latest rendering of the wall should be appearing above. If it's not... Maybe refresh

Current Information


Is minting paused right now?

Wall Limit:

The max number of walls that can ever be minted.

Walls Minted:

The number of walls that have been minted so far.

Token Cost (Wei)

The cost in Wei to write on the wall

Token Cost (ETH)

The cost in ETH to write on the wall

Your Address

Connected ETH address

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  A:::::A               A:::::A S::::::SSSSSS:::::S   CC:::::::::::::::CI::::::::II::::::::I
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            WWW             WWW           aaaaaaaaaa  aaaallllllllllllllll

owner: [email protected]